
Seriously, work meetings make me want to put a bullet in my brain.

You had me at, "Sorry, I'm having trouble connecting to the network."

I like this show a lot. However, I find myself growing tired of Leslie. Anyone else feel this way?

Are we still hating her? I thought by this point we realized she wasn't half bad and that her album was a solid B-.

Where were you when the built the ladder to heaven?

True things from the movie:some whale got caught in the ice and it was on the news.

While it isn't a "great" album, it's fun and catchy.

Wait. Do people not like this show? My hipster credentials are in ruins.

Okay, but can I still drink PBR?

What about weird black guy?

I'm listening to this album right now and I like it. *turns in indie badge*

Swedish Medical Center has never been cooler!

I'm a freak but I don't got no leash! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I love KoRN!

That was the greatest moment of the 1990s.

Last I checked, Los Angeles, California, was part of the United States.

This is pretty epic. Can't wait for all the murdering.

Yeah, I'm wrestling with that too. Why AVclub, why?

He was in the 2009 blockbuster  American Pie Presents: The Book of Love.

Yes, it's great that Jason London is now a household name.

This was kinda bossy.