
Yeah that really made no sense at all.  Not only would the dickish host be directly responsible for getting half of his class busted, he'd also be the guy who called the cops after taking a single punch and (presumably) offering no further resistance.  Basically he'd be choosing to go into his Senior year of high

I didn't even realize that was supposed to be a surprise until just now.  I read a review before I saw the movie which mentioned that first contact was with the Vulcans. 
     Even though that was fourteen years ago, I feel a bit cheated.

Size of Pawnee

In a couple of reviews the characters actual name (Drew) was used and it took me a minute to realize who that was. But in another he was refered to as: "that kid who wanders through the background every few episodes" and I knew instantly.

I've spemt a lot of time on this site so I caught the Dawn reference right away. Even though I have never seen an episode of Buffy or Angel.
I'm not complaining that those shows are referenced so often. It just seems kind of strange to me that I have a decent familiarity with characters, and a few story arcs,

I read (here I think) that that role, and that of one of the younger boys were recast becuase the actors couldn't pass for the ages that the characters were supposed to be. anymore.
Incidentally, does anyone have an idea of how much time the show has supposed to have covered?

That kind of explains why O'Brien was the only Star Trek character I've seen that habitually walked around with his sleeves rolled up. It was a visual shorthand for "blue collar".

Inside Joke/Reference?

Didn't Tarntino write the story for True Romance? Or was in some other way tied to the film. I heard that somewhere but I've never bothered to look into it. Same thing with Natural Born Killers.

They're her initials.

In real life he's only four years older. So if the characters are supposed to have the same age difference that would make him 20, 21? (I'm not sure how old Haddie is supposed to be). That may be kind of inappropriate, but I don't really think it's all that creepy.
Of course Adam will shit a brick if he ever

Public Affectionate
Jay and Mitchell's behavior seemed perfectly natural to me. I grew up in the midwest and no couple past their early 20s were physically affectionate in public. It was farely rare to see people even holding hands.

I once an autobiography called "First Person Plural" that written by a man who supposedly had DID. The author had a wife and son. And from what I remember although his disorder put a lot of strain on his relationships the family still had a relatively stable life. At least at the time he finished reading the book.