
I laughed at the end when Sasha locked Rosita out and turned to face her because "You got Rhonda'ed!" popped into my head.

To me at least all three sequences of movies mapped out the heroes journey with the exact same kind of events in pretty much the same sequence:

I think to this day Jeffrey Combs is the only actor to play two separate characters in the same episode. Fun bit of the trivia from the companion.

I'm pretty sure that was a one liner from American Voices not a full article.

The sequence in Doom gets referenced quite often for obvious reasons, but the first time I remember seeing the first person technique was the opening robbery sequence in Strange Days. I thought that it was the coolest thing at the time.

im not sure if it was that bad

You're right, when it comes down to it, zombie fiction only exists to examine what it really means to be human. By the time most zombie fiction actually takes place the question isn't: "what happened" so much as it is: "so what the hell do we do now?"

I'm pretty sure that's what the CDC guy said. Or else what was Rick referring to when he said: "we all have it" at the end of season 1?

The only explanation that made sense to me was that the zombie virus was airborne and by itself killed about 90% of humanity, which in turn reanimated and tried to eat the remaining 10% who while carriers were naturally immune.
That's really the only way I could see it getting to extinction event levels.

Did anyone else stop and think: "Oh, Adam's grandmother is basically Olenna Tyrell, that explains a few things…"

When I was up there the term I heard most frequently was "Aboriginal". Not as slang either, in an official capacity.

I frequently get mistaken for Native American in the area I am now, I mean by Native Americans. The question they normally ask is: "Are you Native?" leaving the American part out entirely.

Thanks. I've just watched the show, I never looked at any of the supplementary material.
Man, I thought the explicit stuff was dark…

Out of curiosity, when was it established that Britta was molested as a child? I'm big Community fan and I'm wondering how I could have missed that.

I didn't think of the Daenerys comparison. I do remember thinking that it was strange that they turned a character who is supposed to be a 1/4 Korean, and who has a dark haired father, into a blonde elf. Get's it from Baby-Daddy Espheni I suppose.

It's been a very long time since I've seen that movie, was she supposed to have like actual neurological issues? I thought the character had been alone in the woods or someplace for 20+ years and had basically gone feral.


Who was the guy at the end with Candice Cameron? I know it was supposed to be a Full House reunuion but I have no idea who he played.

After Return to Grace when Ziyal was left at the station, mostly because of her apparent age, I was %100 sure that she would end up dating Jake.  I remember when the thought hit me I was kind of giddy in a: "this is going to be such a trainwreck" kind of way.  
     Then Garak showed and up and, well you know…

Beware the power of the snarkside…