
Noah Segan cameo ftw!

I think the oversimplified interpretation is unfortunate side effect of Spike being something of a cipher. His feeling aren't telegraphed to the audience, therefore, he is often only judged by his most extreme actions. We get very limited emotional insight into his character, but if you want the series closely, I


"Beer Bad" was totally incomprehensible. There wasn't really anything Whedonesque about it. Not clever. No wit at all. I mean, there are a number of bad/mediocre Buffy episodes, but at least they all carry the flavor of what the show is about. "Beer Bad" didn't even resemble a Buffy episode.

I agree with pretty much everything here. I know tons of people who swear by this episode and think it's the greatest thing in the series, but I always thought is was somewhat incoherent and out of place in the series as a whole. That said, I agree there are some moments of brilliance.