

I rewound that moment three times and MAY have even rewatched the whole ep this morning to start my day off right.

I must be watching The Mindy Project expecting different things than the rest of this show's reviewers, because I always love every episode critics are lukewarm on and shrug at every episode critics seem to adore. This episode really did it for me.

Self-absorbed? How so? That sentence makes no sense to me.

Lil B + Steve Albini is such a perfect idea that I'm angry it hasn't happened yet.

"It's not like people are going 'aw so cute' to a disabled human"

I *loved* that scene. It hit all the right notes, had a point, and illustrated some character traits about both Casey and Mindy without having to spell them out. Plus, it was funny! Proof that Mindy can be good when it's focused.

To this day my sister and I still say "BOOM, Bazooka Joe!" to each other at random moments.

But when are they going to re-air Road Rules? I miss Piggy + Christina, and could go for seeing tiny little Gladys beat up that douchebag Abe.

And David, the Boston bro with two-different colored eyes who was always either drinking and crying or drinking and fighting.

Sigh, Gideon Yago. He ignited the first in a series of crushes on smug Jewish men that continues to this day.

Politics was exactly where my mind went as well. If a dude from the holler can disappear for *that* many years with *that* many powerful people on his tail it's not absurd to assume that he knows/has connections to some of the right people.

I'm hoping for a makeout.

True. Except now the discomfort that existed because of their affair has been replaced by discomfort that exists because Estes kicked Carrie out of the CIA and ruined her corkboard even though she was right about Nazir and Brody all along.

True. Except now the discomfort that existed because of their affair has been replaced by discomfort that exists because Estes kicked Carrie out of the CIA and ruined her corkboard even though she was right about Nazir and Brody all along.

A freighter, a stowaway, a chinaman with a hatchet, and a girl? You forgot the monkey!

A freighter, a stowaway, a chinaman with a hatchet, and a girl? You forgot the monkey!

I loved that bit and instantly knew it was coming thanks to everything (actually just the one thing) I learned about perms and water from Legally Blonde. Thank you Linda Cardellini / R. Wspoons!

I loved that bit and instantly knew it was coming thanks to everything (actually just the one thing) I learned about perms and water from Legally Blonde. Thank you Linda Cardellini / R. Wspoons!

That wasn't sexual tension, it was disgusting D.C. heat.