
"The biggest, blackest prostitute you have ever seen!" - so much for your moral outrage at Harry's indifference to MLK getting shot, Pete.

To me, the Sontarans have always come across as the "Doctor Who" equivalent of the Ferengi. (Or maybe it should be the other way around, given that the Sontarans came first.)

Black Flag - the punk rock version of Fleetwood Mac.


How did I double post this?? Stupid smart phone!

For a moment when I first saw the headline, I thought Kristin Wiig was doing a remake of the old Stockard Channing / Joan Rivers movie also called "The Girl Most Likely To…." I thought that'd be a fabulous idea

For a moment when I first saw the headline, I thought Kristin Wiig was doing a remake of the old Stockard Channing / Joan Rivers movie also called "The Girl Most Likely To…." I thought that'd be a fabulous idea

I have t two odd, random thoughts about tonight's episode that I haven't seen remarked upon.

Something that has been bothering me for a while on this show (and was crystallized in my mind during the wedding scene) - just what do Philip & Elizabeth tell Paige and Henry about their background?  Don't the kids ever wonder why NEITHER of their parents seems to have any family or relatives?  Or even any photos of

Given Claudia's demonstrated track record regarding the people she spirits away (remember the wife of the defector spy? The one she promised to take to Cuba?), I would be just as suspicious as Gregory was about going to Moscow.  Even assuming he wasn't found in a parked car with an empty syringe in his arm, Gregory

If the AV Club's reviews of the classic series is correct, then the most powerful being the Doctor has ever confronted would be WOTAN, the computer in "the War Machines."  Christopher Bahn posited that it was a being aware that it existed within the world of a television program - and that is the ultimate form of

"The woman at the shop who gave Clara the Doctor’s number has to be River
Song, right? It’s so obvious that I’m trying to think of any other plausible possibility, but I’m coming up empty. And no, Romana is not plausible."

I have an image in my mind of Ashley Judd doing her best William Shatner shouting "I am NOT a CANDIDATE looking to get ELECTED! I am a MOTHER looking for her SON!!!!!!"

"if nothing else, the writers know how to use the zombies well"

Not an Eagles fan, no desire to see this show.  Just wanted to comment on the pang it causes me when I read that list of arenas and read the names of the venues, almost all of them named after monolithic corporations.  I was a little too young for the days of rock & roll venues with individual character like the

Maggie is toast.  She'll be shuffling and lurching slowly towards a tearful Glenn in the last 15 minutes of next week's episode and he will have to blow her zombified brains out. 

The 1980s nuclear war drama "Threads" - another woman delivers her own baby and chews off the umbilical cord.  (At least Divine had a COUCH!  This woman had to pop her bun out of the oven on a bale of hay.)

'Throne for a Loss" was the first Farscape episode I watched, and it immediately sold me on the series. What hooked me most of all was that it seemed to me like a plot that deliberately resembled a "Star Trek: TNG" episode (they encounter a militaristic race that are all abusing steroids!) and subverts everything that

Elizabeth in the black wig and leather mini-skirt put me in mind of early 1980s Grace Slick.  Maybe she & Philip can sing backup for Stan while he does a karaoke version of "No Way Out" in a later episode.

Him: "I come from this place called Kansas, and it's like all in sepia-tones, and like, it's like's, it's like a hipster Instagram-land!"