
In describing the parallel between Roger and Pete regarding their estrangement with their daughters, why not mention that they both have illegitimate sons they can't claim as their own? The episode made it pretty explicit, with Peggy's abandoned child being mentioned for the first time in years, and Roger lamenting

Sorry to break it to you, but the only reason they had so many vegetarian dishes was the monetary restriction. They couldn't afford to buy scallops and steak with $2 per person, but they'll be right back to using multiple meats as soon as they have the funds for it.

I loved TOS after school while I was in single digits in the 70s (though I wouldn't count my love of mirror-Spock or "Naked Time" Sulu as a proper "crush") but am I the only person who had the opposite-sex version of Cory's response? Han Solo in The Empire Strikes Back was it for me—-I was sure the comments would be

I think fans of this show and people who are swayed by the sight of a nice rack are non-overlapping sets.

I think fans of this show and people who are swayed by the sight of a nice rack are non-overlapping sets.

Every time I've been there it's been a total mob scene. I live in the suburbs of New York, and Dylan's looms hugely in the kid imagination around here. When my kids were 8/9/10, that was "the" birthday party to have—-ten kids (and a couple of their moms) take the train into the city and hit up Dylan's, with the "goody

Every time I've been there it's been a total mob scene. I live in the suburbs of New York, and Dylan's looms hugely in the kid imagination around here. When my kids were 8/9/10, that was "the" birthday party to have—-ten kids (and a couple of their moms) take the train into the city and hit up Dylan's, with the "goody

Argh—I posted to the wrong thread. I think Lydia is the daughter of Gus's dead partner (the Hermano chef)…

Argh—I posted to the wrong thread. I think Lydia is the daughter of Gus's dead partner (the Hermano chef)…

My guess is that Lydia is the daughter of Gus's partner who was killed by Tio in the flashback. I'm assuming Gus has been a surrogate father to her and that's why she's living in such luxury and why Gus had children's toys in his house. I wonder if the DEA will be able to connect her to Gus, though—-I assume Gus will

My guess is that Lydia is the daughter of Gus's partner who was killed by Tio in the flashback. I'm assuming Gus has been a surrogate father to her and that's why she's living in such luxury and why Gus had children's toys in his house. I wonder if the DEA will be able to connect her to Gus, though—-I assume Gus will

E plebnista!

E plebnista!

Gerry Rafferty "Right Down the Line". It's from the same album that had "Baker Street" on it.

I feel the same way. It seems like Bev's behavior in the kitchen does not meet the collegial standards the others follow (her mess-making, pushiness with grabbing ingredients, slowness when others are relying on her, etc.) She's kind of a jerk in that way. But then she has that cringing, whimpering "I'm a helpless

Come on! His Persian Greyhound "Raclette" given to him by the pretender to the throne of Alsace Lorraine? That was gold.

Don't forget about Detlef Schrempf!

I bow to your superior Heisenbergian biographical knowledge. After my graduate quantum class I got the hell away from anything to do with quantum mechanics. If Heisenberg was really a Nazi (does bomb work count? How many physicists of the era _didn't_ work on the bomb for their home countries?) I'll throw my hat in

Ok, maybe people would be confused with Schroedinger, but you could always have a little German flag pin (Schroedinger was Austrian). Heisenberg got the Nobel first, so I don't see why he doesn't get more quantum mechanical love. Heisenberg rules, Schroedinger drools!

See, when you said "dress up as Heisenberg", I thought you meant Werner Heisenberg, and I started thinking about how you could do that. The best tactic is probably to carry a box and a stuffed cat.