Listeria Wayne

Similar story here, too.  I was 7 when my parents took us to see WD when it was first released.  I don't think they knew what they were getting into, as they explained it was a cartoon about rabbits.  
Like you, it was an experience that stuck with me…perhaps not so much for the film itself, but because of the new


I'm left wondering if it was an error in transcription.  Night Ranger is clearly butt rock.

His cock has a MySpace page!

Man, they will eat you alive in here!


I think it's margaritas…though my first impression was that of margarine.

That's beautiful, man

That's why I give feces to the homeless.

Oh, Christ.  You better just hope that they don't read this!

It's hard to have pity on people who smell like that.  You want to help them, but you know they'll just fuck it up.

Miss Shirley Bassey?

She's no Orville Redenbacher, that's for sure.

Mark Hamill really was fantastic in that.  

Oh, yeah! I think this is the best audiobook I've ever heard.  They really, really got it right.  I'll probably end up renting the DVD at some point, but the audiobook makes the movie unnecessary to me.

That makes two of us.

Aw, naw!

Mom=Beatles, especially Ringo's solo albums. 
Dad= Platters, Chuck Berry,and (oddly) Heartbeat City by The Cars.

No, you're not alone.  It's underrated, but not nearly as much as Everything Must Go and Two Against Nature…there's only been one reference to Gaslighting Abbie so far in this thread.

So tough.  I might change my answers in an hour and swap Deacon Blues for Barrytown—and it really doesn't matter because 95% of their catalog is of equally high qualiyt— but right now?