Mean Col. Mustard

How about that awkwardness between Megan and Joan?  Was it just that Megan didn't want Don to associate her with a baby?  Or is there some history there?  My theory is that Megan asked Joan to put her on Don's desk—thus leading to the hook-up—and if Joan lets that slip, Don will see through Megan's ruse.

Given that we know Lane is generally dissatisfied and already experiencing money troubles, I expect the Dolores flirtation will turn into a seduction and blackmail scheme by Dolores and the schlub.  That seems a little lowbrow for Mad Men, but if it gives Lane more screentime, I'm all for it.

You could pick it up from A Streetcar Named Desire, though.

This may make me a racist too, but everything about this book screams that the one book Juan Gabriel Vasquez would rather have written is One Hundred Years of Solitude. Maybe the writers novels about secret histories of fantastical microcosms of Latin America all sound the same to me.