
I got you chocolates. These are from Belgium. They're handmade by Belgiumites.

release dates
Being from Belgium myself, I should note that release dates over here are not so far apart from the US. For instance, I got to see Scream 4 two days earlier than Americans did.

The Illusionist/The Prestige
The Shining/The Changeling

Stephen Frears is another British director who could've made the list.

My top 5
1. Dressed to Kill
2. Blow Out
3. The Untouchables
4. Carlito's Way
5. Body Double

Yes, but then again, would you buy Knoxville as a badass sherriff?

Wasn't The Informers shelved for a couple of years too? I remember seeing that solely for the Amber Heard nudity.

Lou Reed appears in it? Aww, hell, that's not even a remotely good reason to see it.

I bought that crappy movie just because of Ricci's tits. I expected nothing and got even less. Don't get me wrong, the Ricci nudity is great, but fuck, that movie sucked.

Okay, that comment was one of the most hilarious things I've read…

The first half hour is the most brutally hilarious stuff Jim Carrey has ever pulled.

To be honest, Topher Grace being the secret badass was the only gutsy move of that generic B-movie.

Dennis Hopper should've been glad the audio technology wasn't as advanced in his early days.

I really liked it a lot, but maybe that's because my cousin worked on the soundtrack. Phoenix and Scott Glenn are pretty good in it, though.

Seriously, who would've thought watching That 70s show that Mila Kunis would have the most interesting career? Still baffles me.

Killshot wasn't actually as bad as you would think or Rabin's review would have you believe. Rourke does some pretty good work in it and Gordon-Levitt totally goes off the rails in his performance. It's not great, but it's watchable. I know the standards of this comment board, so I know that's enough.

Also Buffalo Soldiers and The Quiet American. Two awesome films. Fuck Harvey Weinstein!

It's not good. It's like a sparser version of Scream that just rehashes all the cliches and doesn't do anything original with it. I liked its visual style, but damn, those characters were totally lame and hateable.

Remember when we all thought Topher Grace was the next big thing? And then Venom came along…

You can't make an empty gesture to a Funkhouser.