
It definitely has too big of a cult audience to be a MYOF-case.

He had a heart attack while having sex with Britt Ekland once. Not sure why I'm telling this, but it seemed important when I thought about it.

Warren Beatty, Sean Connery, Gene Hackman: old men who seriously need to do another film before they die. Seriously!

Funny names are a sign of desperation? Come on, guys, let's not diss Mike Myers' entire career.

If Price was in any scenes with Jennifer Connelly (in her prime no less), than we shouldn't feel so sorry for him. Lucky dead bastard!

Charlie Chan and the Curse of the Dragon Queen would make a great MYOF-case after Fu Manchu.

My god, that full frontal-scene was something else!

There should be a Henenlotter-NCC, yes! Maybe they were covered in Peary's book. If not, get on it, Tobias!

A list of all the people Kevin Smith has a beef with:
Reese Witherspoon (acted like a bitch to his then-girlfriend, megastar Joey Lauren Adams, the poor man's Melanie Griffith)
Joel Siegel (acted like a dick during a press screening of Clerks 2)
Bruce Willis (acted like a dick during the filming of Cop Out)
Chevy Chase…

Kinda dissapointed that Bill Pullman and J.T. Walsh didn't get more love in the article. Oh well, I can understand why Fiorentino's character takes the most space.

Maybe the art is dying in movies.
But it's blossoming on tv:

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai of course!

I thought the art of the opening title was blossoming with websites like watchthetitles.

Oh yeah, expecially Timothy Olyphant as the scary pimp disturbed the hell out of me.

Amen, ZMF, amen!

80's horror is lame???!!! Are you kidding me? The high days of Carpenter, the ever underrated Stuart Gordon, Sam Raimi, Cronenberg… Maybe 80's horror doesn't hold a candle to 70's horror, but I still regard the 80's as one of the finest eras for genre movies.

Herbert Gronemeyer stars in Das Boot, so it actually relates to this article in a farfetched way.

'Let me tell you a little secret. Joe is me, Gary Busey, and Mary is a composit of twelve different women and a small independent film company. All of whom couldn't deal with me, because I'm too real.'

You and nobody else, buddy!

Surely, you can't give this guy an A-. What a laughable grade!