Reposted Slate Comments

Fantastic article and I absolutely agree. I apologize if you feel this is spam but I have started a petition to get CNN to end the free for all of anonymous trolling on their site. I wish I had read this article this morning I would have made the request "End Anonymous Commenting" but this is a petition to either

I just want to point out that Paula Deen supported and campaigned for President Barack Obama.

In 2010 (per MADD), 211 children were killed by drunk drivers. That's half this number, in one year.

So much fake anti gun news coming out online its so sad how much trouble the anti gun groups are going to to get everyone to support all the gun control efforts!
 The CT Killer killed himself only when ARMED police showed up,one armed teacher or guard would have stopped this guy!
More gun control will result in more

This is a wonderful polemic. Talk about an easy target, though.

I haven't be able to sign in for a month with a note saying my email has been compromised and yahoo has not answered any request for help. So screw them and they can kiss my @$$

Interesting take on a President's inability to admit mistakes, which used to be considered a negative when Bush was president.

Marry me.

I hate these scrofulous "super hero" movies. I don't care for "spy" movies either. I wish that the kids that drop their parents' hard-earned would rather be forced into prison camps where they would be up at the crack of dawn and learning skills that would stand them in good stead when the "apocalypse" really happens…

He is the undisputed king of navel-gazing novels about dirty-old-man-hood. He's also very strong in the "going on 50-pages too long about being Jewish" category.  I have never understood the reverence for this guy. Maybe if I kept slogging through his work, but I read two of his major novels, how long until I get to