
Oh man I totally forgot about the Proctor & Gamble bullshit and the Amway angle to that. What a ridiculous world.

If you read still read Charles Bukowski…
Stop it. Also, grow up.

Charles Bukowski = role model.

It's okay, until the British woman fucks Matt LeBlanc.

A is for apple. I just loooove apples!!

Sleazeball looking dude turns out to be a sleazeball…

Aziz Ansari sex/bondage doll.

Your Highness is funny.

Ryan is his middle name.

so-called hiatus
So-called because it's been over 2 years, right?

But that was funny.

MikeMartz1999, you in the biz or something? Who gives a shit if a movie "bombs" anyway — besides the producers and people involved in making it?

Danny McBride grew up in Virginia actually. He went to School of the Arts in NC.

Great, so that means the unrated extended edition I'll be watching on DVD will only be 100 minutes, and I'm fine with that.

Comments have always sucked. It ruined this site actually.

I was Michael Ian Black on Stella. And that guy was retarded.
I love this guy!!

"The band ended up playing the show without him."
That has to be the funniest thing about the whole ordeal.

It's not cool to be in a rock band.

I wish people would stop using the word "hacked" or "hacking".
When it involves just guessing your incredibly dumb password.

I seriously still want to know what "overachiever of Obama-like dimensions" means.