
Lesley Gore kills it on that TAMI Show DVD.

An A-? Wow.

Billy West can rant about this topic all day long, and he's justified.

The cat narrates her own sections in voiceover.
And this is why I have no patience for Miranda July.

If you've seen that old RATT VHS, all the guys come off as decently smart and thoughtful about music — except Stephen Pearcy, because obviously he's a lead singer for a reason. And maybe Bobby seems like a typical dumb drummer a little bit. DiMartini was a good interesting guitar player for that genre.

The most fucked up part of that deaf groupie story is when one of dudes wants to pee on her — she says something like "Ok, but not in my eyes… because it burns."

Nikki and Tommy once had a contest to see who could have sex with the most girls, without bathing, over the course of 24 hours (or maybe it was week — I don't remember exactly).

True Story
Robin Crosby from RATT has AIDS, and was roommates with Nikki Sixx. They did A LOT of heroin.

Liking Crue because you thought they were cool back in the 80's is okay, but anyone that still thinks it's cool now is a god damn idiot and shouldn't breed.

The Jane's guys were known to be bi-sexual.

1986 to 1988 — Crue was already huge.

So fucking true. It's hilarious how every chapter is told from everyone's point of view so you get totally different versions of events sometimes.

Well you got 2 things right — Shout is the 2nd album, and tits come in 2's.

I watched less than 10 minutes of Easy A and quit because it seemed so awful (when drunk). Then I tried watching again (less drunk) after seeing more good press, and I still can't remember it.

Yeah isn't their bands name and spelling a direct reference to Zep as well? Pretty big fans.

Soft things struggle to go into tight slots.

Rebekah Brooks looks like what Nicole Kidman would look like now, if she hadn't had all that plastic surgery.

Don't do that.