
Seriously, you've never seen Palin bumper stickers?

Scary. All of this.

I'm going to see this film.
I'll probably give it 4 stars on Netflix.

Writing and performance are two different things though.

Cunts are still running the world.

WTF is with all this arguing over podcasts?
Shut up, and also go listen to the Apple Sisters.

True, they do make nice bit players and it's nice when they show up in a movie or show.

Can I borrow your DVD. I really want to see it.

Party Down = best easy Halloween costume
No one will get it though.

Rawlings & Welch together live is always amazing. The last time I saw them, they had a few people in a touring band and it really filled out the songs. They rocked.

When, oh, when?
Will Beyonce finally accept that I am, indeed, ready for that jelly?

Back in the day
This is the video that did for me.

Good luck on the date!! But tell that fucking bitch to give me my money back. And my black t-shirt.

Give me more of them!!

I don't believe that photo. It has to be a fluke or a joke, because a company like Cisco would have proper means to dispose of large amounts of electronic devices — so all those Flips would end up in that garbage dump village in China, polluting the water and killing children.

Watch this with Chinese language and English subtitles turned on.
My Blueberry Nights is so bad it made me question that his non-English films could possibly be full of horribly clunky dialog/acting.

controversial tweet
Friends don't let Amy Winehouse drink and drive.

Golf fucking clap.

Sheen could at least teach her how to quit drink/drugs in one day, like he did so successfully…