Eclecicity Shawn

A white man doesn't like trigger warnings and worrying about political correctness? What a shocking development!

Moody Blues here.

More like the Chronicbus, am I right, guys?

Birdman is a write in for best film? Really?

Agreed totally. I have rarely experienced such unbridled, giddy joy as I have seeing these in the theaters. For better or worse, they are this era's That's Entertainment! - jubilated spectacle with little pretext.

It's almost as if they made compromises on the realism for the sake of furthering the dramatic narrative. One would hope they received the appropriate licences for that.

I smell sitcom!

The Fox say, "Chaos Reigns," obviously.

You mean the People Mover didn't get the job done?

I'll need to see another performance or two, but he might be in the same company as Lennie James or Dominick West as maybe not the best actor, but an actor I'd watch in anything regardless of how good or bad something looks.

A sacrilicious double feature!

Greaser's Palace - Best movie to watch on Easter Sunday.

Does the soundtrack feature that sweet Laurel Canyon sound?

I realize this wouldn't be possible for the time slot and marketing the show has gotten, but it would be pretty spectacular if this show had a Moral Orel-type turn.

Which would be why there's so many Brits and Aussies on TV since you can't really afford (nor have the time) to do 30 takes for every angle on TV.

Teams could work if they were treated as whole contestants ala Amazing Race.  Say, select 32 designers, pair them up into groups of two, and have them share the winnings.  This constant switching of teams and groupings based on drama instead of collaboration has been a real race to the bottom. This season has had some

And it was incredible last night, too. The caricature bit was so over the top. I haven't laughed out loud at a show like that in weeks.

I'm only a couple listens in, but to me this and Cmon feel like steps backwards. Don't get me wrong, I love both of the albums. It just feels like they were going in this very avant-garde direction after Alan's breakdown, that I personally couldn't get enough of, and then decided to pull back. It's wonderful stuff.

Seriously. The bar is pretty low for how good something has to look if Lennie James is in it for me to be interested.