
I think they're trying to ensure the past doesn't repeat and that Ali doesn't just continue to have the ability to make people want to kill themselves and such.

Team Bruce.

Excellent review! "It’s
a solitary scene that is so ridiculous on paper—and in practice—that it
suddenly becomes the most amazing thing in the entire world." Those scenes are always the best. (See: Tippi the bird.)

I'll admit to not caring about how dumb JJS being back is at first because I was just excited Dichen Lachman was there (whether or not she'll be there again).

I was pretty unhappy with Ward being raped by Lorelai being played as a steamy sex scene.

Great to see this getting coverage!

I've been assuming that first-time viewers several decades from now won't get past season 2 or 3.

I thought this episode was mostly fine, but the throwaway biphobic lines just pissed me off.

I'm becoming worried PB is going to Dark Willow it up before the season's over.

I so wish I could watch live in order to see all the absurd hashtag suggestions.

My favorite thing about the shot of Emily and Richard being proud is that it seems like it took them by surprise just how proud they were.

The only way Ezra's custody fight will get interesting is if Malcolm is the one who hurt Jenna.

As a person, I have problems with the way humans are portrayed on The Newsroom.

By far my favorite moment this week was Mike acting as if it were impossible for him to acquire a baseball bat on account of how he plays lacrosse, obviously.

Toby's line about them following a lead given to them by a bird is one of my favorites of the season so far.

Man, that Jake is a charmer with his one-size-fits-all advice. It's clear this show isn't done with Ezra, but I thought they'd at least try with this guy for a while.

I spent the day wracking my brain trying to remember if we had ever learned anything concrete about Melissa Hastings in the history of the show and I'm pretty sure we haven't.

Ice King and I make to-do lists in pretty much the same way.

I thought for a minute that A had actually done something—ANYTHING—to Aria, but nope! Maybe one day A will realize Aria exists.

I desperately wanted to like this episode, but it just didn't work for me, Annie's pathetic reactions to "Jeff" being the low point.