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    I think it pissed Rivers Cuomo off that nobody seemed to like "Pinkerton" when it first came out, so he decided, "Fine. Everybody's too stupid, so I'm just going to make the most inane, idiotic shit music possible from now on, because that's the only thing that sells."

    Is that seriously the album cover of "Unleashed?"

    Looney Tunes are a pleasure that just never fades. I used to love those when I was a kid. Then I sort of forgot about them. Then I discovered Chuck Jones and went through this weird Collegiate Dickbag phase where ONLY Chuck Jones cartoons would do. I've eased up since.

    Of those three entities, Australia is the only one for which I'm even remotely in favor of continued existence.


    But isn't "hipster" being used as sort of an insult here? As in "Hipster Douchebag" or whatever? I just didn't get that they were using the term as a compliment in this context.

    Wow, you guys are making me all nostalgic for the Lookout! Records Message Board circa 1997…a phoned-in one-liner turns into a huge discussion on gender politics, with numbered lists and everything. Brought a tear to me eye, that did.

    I too will go to the mat for "Animals." Great album, that.

    Every time I've seen Juno, and whatsisname's mom tells him they're having "breakfast for dinner," it has made me wanna have…(wait for it)…breakfast for dinner. The only thing better than waking up to eggs over-medium, sausage, toast, hash browns and OJ is having the exact same thing in the evening.

    Shit fuck link didn't god damn work, shit. God damn it.

    "Sociology 101 Assignment Stretched To Incorporate '70s Punk Rock" could have been about me at college, circa age 19.

    "Jersey Shore 2: The Squeakuel."

    I had a flash of inspiration today…what if you could remove the laugh track from all these episodes?

    I had that same experience when I was a kid. I could…not…stop…watching…this piece-of-shit show. It was just awful.

    You thought Thompson killed? He was DYING up there at the end of the Disco Booty Whatever sketch. The audience was silent, even, and they'll apparently laugh at anything.

    If they had him going around collecting teeth by punching people in the mouth, it might have some potential. But "The Rock dressed as a fairy" as the sole joke, repeated endlessly for 88 minutes? No.

    Hey man, I'm talking about people who don't even give something a CHANCE, or who form opinions based on something dumb (who aren't listening HONESTLY). If you truly hate a music, that's great. But don't say you hate it until you've HEARD it.

    And next time I'll read the entire article before I say anything, so I won't just be repeating what Heller already said ("just because the Dude hated…"). I'm a good man, just not very thorough.

    Curiouser and curiouser…I also had an ill-considered stint as a "solo acoustic performer" that lasted approximately three open mics. Pathetic.

    I'm always trying to get people to give Bernie Leadon-era Eagles a chance. "Lyin' Eyes," in fact, was the first song I ever learned how to play. Guitar teacher wrote out the chords for me when I was 9 or 10. It's like, just because a Jeff Bridges character in a well-loved movie hated the Eagles doesn't automatically