composure of a dingo

favorite Savoir-Faire of a Hyena developments

it hasn't been played here in quite a while and it was never as big as some of the others. it consists of two sentences - one finishing an embarrassingly personal anecdote, the other throwing to the phones where an amusingly-named city is 'on the air', as Larry King would. I knew it through the CZ first, and later

that was me actually. the write-in was for 'S4 and s5 fishsticks' but i knew better.

The First CZie Awards part 2!

The first CZie Awards!

okay it's noon on Wednesday and the surveys have both had 21 responses, which is the last figure that hyena quoted them as having. I think we can consider them fully recreated. i'll start writign up the results now. expect them within the next half-hour!

i didn't want to sand all the edges off. at least part of what intrigued everyone about the original was the chance to spread some anonymous bile. by way of improvement, i removed the misgendering of glazomaniac from that question and made it a checkbox system so you can do as much or as little hating as you want. the

noted & rectified

noted + rectified

CZies redux! new features include: