Tom In Tallahassee

"Spinoff!" I get it!

I'm wondering how the cops who arrived at the neo-Nazi compound will put together what happened. Major meth lab found, with fugitive Walter White lying dead beside the tanks. Bunch of Aryan Brotherhood thugs dead, most from gunshot but one from ligature strangulation and another with coup de gras pistol shot in the

Because she was such a pain in the ass. Also, to cut out the connection with the Czech Republic. Maybe. But mainly because she was such a pain in the ass.

Wait'll the ricin kicks in.

How long have you been waiting to spring that one?

Maybe sell Amway?

Or someone reported hearing shots fired — a lot of shots.

Baby Blue? You didn't get that? Or you didn't like the song?

Hmm. I read "negating" as meaning that he'd be recognized on the road. Since he might avoid going into any restaurants or maybe even convenience stores, that means his maximum exposure would be when he gassed up or got drive-through food. That means he'd be with his car, and its identifying license plate, make and

@avclub-9d5f6881b7700a87a8be01e17552cebd:disqus has it right. The song was a huge hit as 1959 became 1960. It was one of a consecutive trio of "death songs" to hit No. 1, the others being "Running Bear" (Indian lovers from warring tribes jump in "the raging river" that separates them, reach each other, kiss, die and

@Proprietrist:disqus — I think people are looking (a) for some reason for the Schwartzes to be reintroduced and (b) for Walt to have some outlet for all the money he has (or maybe will have, if he's able to take out the Aryan Brotherhood guys).

Well, we know he made it to ABQ — either that, or the flash forward was a fantasy.

I'm not sure, either — though I sure sounded that way in my post. But that's sort of what it sounded like to me.

The song is not "Feleena," it's "El Paso." And I've always assumed the "Mexican girl" that Marty's cowboy is so smitten with was spelled "Felina," with the "i" sound being spoken as a long e, the name being Spanish.

I wondered about that myself — is Mike actually alive? — but when I watched the episode in re-run, Mike keels over with Walt standing there, and Walt doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who wouldn't check.

Would he try to funnel the money to his family through the Schwartzes' trust?

But didn't he have glasses when he was talking to Saul?

Well, he doesn't look like his pictures anymore; full head of hair, full beard, dorky glasses, weight loss. Plus, it's been a few months; something else has come along to boot Walter out of the public consciousness.

Glenfyddch, or however it's spelled.

Sorry if this has already been answered, but I can't wait to know: Why did Walt need new glasses?