Tom In Tallahassee

Because if Hank can't find some way to pin at least some of those crimes (the hits on Mike's people, e.g.) on someone other than his brother-in-law — the guy who was right under his nose — then he's screwed career-wise.

Okay, apologies in advance if anyone has posted anything similar, but I'm too lazy to read through all the comments.

Good points. In Hank's view, Walt was a nerdish, ineffectual, semi-failure who was beaten down by some bad breaks (no pun intended) and Skyler was his somewhat fragile, straight-arrow and honest wife. All that began to change when Hank saw the flyleaf of "Leaves of Grass" and it evolved as Hank gathered evidence. But

FWIW, Anna Gunn said on the after show that Skyler went to meet Hank worried that he would arrest her. When she saw that he had no real hard evidence, she did what she had to do to get out of the diner as quickly aspossible.

Never mind. I see by later posts you were making a joke, one that I didn't get.

Hank could have handled it differently. He could have told Skyler she was not free to leave and then not read her Miranda rights, meaning anything she told him that implicated her would not be admissible. Once she said "lawyer" he was pretty restricted in what admissible evidence he could get. Had she said,

Killed by his surrogate son, eh? I dunno. I think Walt will take himself out with the ricin.

Also Ziggy from the Wire Season 2.

I don't think it much matters if Walt — who almost certainly is a fugitive for multiple counts of drug trafficking and manufacture, money laundering and murder by the time of the flash-forward — gets nabbed for having an illegal weapon.

Please post video of that.

But he has to lie to Jesse. He can't tell Jesse he killed Mike, and Jesse has to believe him or Jesse becomes a liability, and you know what that means.

Great. I wasn't imagining the Jesse-into-Mike morph.

@not_Bridget:disqus Including "Ain't She Sweet?" and "Till There Was You."

@avclub-75411ef9a68e90e95444f219e389d7be:disqus Yes. Back when I was a wee child, I had to deliver a speech in some church youth group show devoted to tolerance. It began: "If I were a Jew, a Japanese or an Italian . . ." and included (this being the '50s) the familiar ethnic slurs for those groups.

Oh, yeah. I was sure Ken was dead. Every time a phone rang, I expected it to be someone delivering the bad news.

But I'll just withhold my like, so the count will be accurate.

She shoulda harpooned the rat like she did Abe.

That was my thought, once I thought about it. Bob's whole personality has been to ingratiate himself — "Here's a coffee, sir!" "Joan, would you like a handsome, compassionate companion?" — and it could be that he would be willing to pretend if Pete were so inclined.

Thanks for looking that up. I couldn't place the singer.

If Bob is trying to be an undercover investigator, I think he's not going about it the right way. He's too obvious.