Tom In Tallahassee

And they played — but did not telecast — the pro football games on the Sunday because "that's what JFK would have wanted."

So you think her call was meant to get Peggy to make a lowball offer that was likely to be outbid?

You've got this exactly right. Northerners — especially working-class whites, as I indicated in a post above — were uncomfortable with MLK's tactics, believing (or at least expressing the belief) that they were for equality and everything, but not when it threatened their property values.

Farther south and in working-class neighborhoods. MLK's non-violent confrontation tactics didn't sit well with the guys who were Archie Bunker's template.

Johnson genuinely felt compassion for poor people, black and white. Had he not mired us in Vietnam, he might have rivaled — or even exceeded — FDR as a progressive and he certainly was stronger on civil rights than JFK.

As to 1), all Bobby got down to was the previous wallpaper. In a Victorian house, there might be layer upon layer of wallpaper before you got to the paint.

It was interesting that on 9/11 the non-news cable channels, one by one, ceased their programming and posted slides saying that they were suspending operations.

I think by "white man" Campbell pere meant gentile and non-swarthy.

I thought Peggy's was atrocious, too.

I dunno. She's never bought a house.  And are you saying she was pushed around by the agent trying to lowball the sellers because the address was too close to Harlem, or by not insisting when the agent told her the offer had been beaten?

Yes. That's why there would be a coupon at the bottom of the ad.

In other words, Bobby's apple didn't fall too far from the tree.

There had been many race riots prior to the MLK riots in '68. It wasn't a new thing, which is why everyone was frightened before any rioting was reported.

Joan, like many white people of her time and place, simply hasn't had much experience with African Americans. She didn't know what to do, which is unusual for her.

Yes! He will be revealed to have been behind the killings of MLK and Bobby Kennedy, the Soviets crushing Czechoslovakia's "velvet revoluiton," the inclusion of "Revolution No. 9" on the White Album, the Heidi game and my Cardinals blowing a 3-1 lead in the World Series.

I understand your point, but I think you have confused Mad Men with a different show. Mad Men holds a mirror up to the '60s, but that's not what the show is about. It's about advertising — and those people were, like 99.9 percent of all white Americans, "detatched observers on the perhiphery" to Dr. King's

So, @avclub-41ae3cd2f3e6402db3f418313787cf86:disqus , what did you think of "Love Is Blue" as the closing song for this episode?

I see their marriage as more a merger than a love match. In another thread someone said he had the old name and she had new money. That sounds right to me.

You hit it exactly right. As the review suggested, "The Sixties" didn't really get going good until about 1972.

@avclub-c305906bce98a870409f20115c7cd4e7:disqus You're SUPPOSED to hate him because he's an ingratiating little shit.