Tom In Tallahassee

Can you use asshole varnish on your douche canoe?

The way I interpreted it, he was not to come to the suburbs unless and until she permitted it. And when he did, he was not to try to seduce the neighbors. What he does in the city is his own affair, and that's where he's to stay until she summons him.

Maybe he was trying to get rooster lessons.

Protocol over desire doesn't explain his infatuation with the driver's ed student he wanted so badly to pork.

@avclub-f6200f1070520617ac55cacf7b146c53:disqus Lincoln Tech cost money and time. Impoverished rural moms, ca. 1940, didn't have the resources for such fripperies as adult education and fancy hairstyles for boys.

Paid two bees for it.

I think it was put in to show that Don's not concerned with current events, being focused on Mrs. Dr. Rosen.

No, it  was not fashionable. It was the sign of rural poverty. Ma put the bowl over the young'un's head and cut off what hung below the rim of the bowl.

Well, if it disturbed him, why did he want to watch?

But Harry's a perfect re-creation of a 1968 trying-to-be-hip-but-responsible businessman, certain to be scorned by young and old alike. I can't wait to see him in a Nehru jacket and a medallion.

Well, it's a good retort if you think WW II was unavoidable. But not if you believe — as those around during WW II believed — that at a minimum the war would not have been as devastating had Britain showed more backbone earlier, then Pete was just ignorant.

They're expected to have "help" at their socio-economic level.

Weiner affirmed that point in one of the "previews" that Kabletown ran before the season opener. "Don and Megan were the same person and that person is Don." Now, however, he said, she's becoming independent.

Is Pete drawn to desperate women because those are the ones attracted to him?

I can't decide if this tactic was a part of what appears to be an unconscious or semi-conscious effort on Don's part to burn everything down — he doesn't care about what might happen to his marriage or this crucially important client — or whether he was playing a longer game than simply scuttling an attempt to shift

Okay, I apologize if someone else has already come up with this — I mean, hey, I'm late to the dance and there's, like, a bazillion comments already — but here goes.

Okay, I apologize if someone else has already come up with this — I mean, hey, I'm late to the dance and there's, like, a bazillion comments already — but here goes.

The point the Mike makes is that no one should even be as low as 95% sure; on these facts, The Kid did it, beyond and to the exclusion of any reasonable doubt and to a moral certainty. You can't take the circumstances individually, you have to consider them in totality.

I appreciate your defense of a show you enjoy, but before your praise for its innovation gets too fulsome, read the post here by Roger's Aching Ticker: "How Red Was My Herring? Darren Richmond Edition."

I appreciate your defense of a show you enjoy, but before your praise for its innovation gets too fulsome, read the post here by Roger's Aching Ticker: "How Red Was My Herring? Darren Richmond Edition."