Tom In Tallahassee

I'd contribute if I could make sure the Hanks statue was staring at Rocky and had the beginnings of a boner in its pants.

I'd contribute if I could make sure the Hanks statue was staring at Rocky and had the beginnings of a boner in its pants.

Unfortunately, that act got Duck in hot water again, and the next thing he knew, he was off to SEA-TAC with Holder, investigating that dead body.

Unfortunately, that act got Duck in hot water again, and the next thing he knew, he was off to SEA-TAC with Holder, investigating that dead body.

To elaborate on the earlier explanation: She was working secretly at the casino to make money so she could leave Seattle and Follow Her Dreams.

To elaborate on the earlier explanation: She was working secretly at the casino to make money so she could leave Seattle and Follow Her Dreams.

Richmond's aide Jamie did part and Rosie's aunt Terry did part, both somewhat inadvertently. Jamie thought Rosie overheard some sort of skullduggery and knocked her out; he took what he thought was her body off in a campaign car, only to have her revive and escape; he chased her down and beat her again, and thinking

Richmond's aide Jamie did part and Rosie's aunt Terry did part, both somewhat inadvertently. Jamie thought Rosie overheard some sort of skullduggery and knocked her out; he took what he thought was her body off in a campaign car, only to have her revive and escape; he chased her down and beat her again, and thinking

I don't think Ames had a choice. He and Terry were supposed to fly to Vegas, but they got diverted by Jamie's frantic call.

I don't think Ames had a choice. He and Terry were supposed to fly to Vegas, but they got diverted by Jamie's frantic call.

The only way that line wasn't horrible is if they intended it to be transparently insincere. Which I don't think they did.

The only way that line wasn't horrible is if they intended it to be transparently insincere. Which I don't think they did.

As to your second point, apparently the Indians dug up some of their ancient burial sites (remember that Linden found an empty pit during one of her illegal forays onto tribal lands, and Jackson confronted her there) to use in the scam. Those bones would, apparently fool whatever agency it is that decides whether

As to your second point, apparently the Indians dug up some of their ancient burial sites (remember that Linden found an empty pit during one of her illegal forays onto tribal lands, and Jackson confronted her there) to use in the scam. Those bones would, apparently fool whatever agency it is that decides whether

In the context of what went before, I didn't think this was terrible. Or maybe that's relief talking.

In the context of what went before, I didn't think this was terrible. Or maybe that's relief talking.

A confession would cure any chain of custody or tainted evidence problems. Plus, not all the evidence would be tainted.

A confession would cure any chain of custody or tainted evidence problems. Plus, not all the evidence would be tainted.

I suspect that she found Rosie's bloody backpack on the 10th floor when she went up there to have a smoke. I don't remember her seeing anything in particular.

I suspect that she found Rosie's bloody backpack on the 10th floor when she went up there to have a smoke. I don't remember her seeing anything in particular.