
I've never seen the Flash, but now I know what's next on my binge list…..

Not a problem if they actually cut him….

Do not be like your horsemen - do not abandon the queen of the show when she needs your support. Rally round - it will be hard going at first, crossing the Red Waste of the first few eps, but Kara gets her dragons (metaphorically) later on and goes from strength to strength.

Not sports again? Can I go to the Earth where televised sport is not a thing?

Maybe she thought she was cursed in a more generic "life shits on me all the time" thing. That's how I took it.

She has boobs of steel. It's okay.

Technically (the best kind) you are correct. Although groups of girls will use the term among themselves. It's increasingly gender-neutral, like the name "Sam."

Jiminy is as dull as the slab of mahogany he so resembles.

That lunge Cat made at Kara's glasses while making a very pointed comment about how good she was at spotting them, coupled with the ease at which she figured out the Flash, was basically her coming out and saying it as clearly as possible without actually saying it. After all, with all of Kara's absences, in any real

I have never watched The Flash. I have never read a Flash comic. All I knew about the Flash coming into this was that he was really fast. I also know nothing about the Infinite Earths comic thing beyond the name "Crisis on Infinite Earths" which I have heard mentioned a few times. I am, in other words, a total Flash

I heard something similar. She looks really good with purple eyes, too.

While I'm actually in favour of beheadings, they have to be done right, and it's a dying (ha) skill. The head must come off with one stroke - no hacking away at the neck like a cheap butcher. Daesh manage to fuck it up completely - some of the worst I've seen.
Give your nephew a proper knife, like a heavy Chinese

Delist. It's a Franco-Scandinavian term meaning "sugar-frosted barnacles served cold for Christmas breakfast."

It's like when Disney puts eyebrows on horses. You know it's wrong, but it makes their expressions easier to read at a distance. Besides, blonde eyebrows (and eyelashes) are the work of the devil.
I just wish Dany's eyes were the right colour….

Don't worry - the patriarchy has stood for thousands of years. It's in no danger of toppling because of "journalists" looking to create click-bait.

it's sexist if you don't sometimes allow it to come first.

Now that's a conspiracy theory worth promoting.
Bonus points for being right.

Except French Fries aren't even French. The plot thickens….

Wait, wouldn't the mirror image of the DMV be a model of efficiency, politeness, and relaxation?
(BTW, her plates in the real world were also DEV IL, so we can't blame this on Hades.)

I would normally love to over-think the pen, but with OUAT, you don't have to think too much before you're clearly putting way more effort into it than the actual writers. Which can be depressing when you realise you care more than the creators do.