Pretty easily, I'm sure.
Pretty easily, I'm sure.
That pen is way, way over-powered. It's probably best not too think too closely about what that pen is supposed to do and what the Author is supposed to do.
She's probably old enough, as she spent essentially Superman's lifetime in suspended animation in the Galactic Sargasso Sea, but the problem is she's not native-born. Just like Arnold, she can never be more than governor.
Watch it.
That's not a warning, that's advice.
Yeah, I should clarify - Hook as Emma's OTP is a complete drag. Hook as magnificent bastard was not. Unfortunately we only get the latter ever since basically the Neverland arc ended.
So they're not really kissing each time they lip-lock, but sucking the life out of each other. Seems about right to me. Hook is one of the worst things about the show.
Henry can't bring his father back to life, as he has Moved On.
In answer to your first question, a screw-up at the DMV.
Cruella is easily the best part of this episode. I hope she can be redeemed just enough to work with Regina….
Any bets that the locked drawer in the loft that Emma was trying to open right before Liam came to dis her is going to prove important?
io9 and Jalopnik are generally good. Gizmodo can be dodgy. Gawker is a bit crazy, and Jezebel is one of the most toxic environments out there short of bathing in actual industrial waste.
How much experience you may have with European languages is really quite beside the point in this discussion.
I don't understand the significance of your first sentence. And I'm only vaguely familiar with Jean Reno.
Damn, you're right. Wheeler is the 21st, Wu is the 22nd, Park is the 23rd. (And I'm the 21st too—we should totally have a party together….)
I think some of it is based on your (presumed) American accent making it hard for me to transcribe the sounds in the same way I hear them (I hear the word "Tod" for example as "Tard" and say "car" as "caah"). I'm basing mine on quarter of a century living in Japan, for what it's worth.
With her real accent, too. One thing you have to give that show credit for is allowing non-American actors to actually sound non-American.
I think you are.
I think it's "Utopium," as in "Utopia."
I have the same problem sometimes.
Blaine can also blend his brains.