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    I bet Suzanna's glad she jumped ship from BBC now…

    He's too busy with his werewolf related stuff…

    He didn't choose the skux life…

    I'm guessing "baller" means something else here.

    I always thought the Minions were just a rip off of the Rabbids.

    My guess is that you are confusing "anarchy" with "chaos"

    Science Fiction wise, I think Sheri S Tepper's version of a female unfriendly future was a lot better (in Gibbon's Decline and Fall). In that, breeding women were kept in artificially induced comas.

    One of my proudest moments was when I convinced two friends to go to a bar instead of going to see Rabid speak at some Dublin Litfest (they had tickets too).

    You preferred the brutal fascism? Did you miss how Stormfront rounded up all the gays, the blacks and anyone else they didn't like and either executed them, or used them for experimentation?

    indeed- a liberal sprinkling of freshly ground black pepper and a raw egg cracked in the middle. Though I do prefer my tartare sliced rather than minced.

    I've taken to mincing my own beef (or sometimes beef/pork mix), lightly seasoning and then forming patties and cooking straight away.


    I'm finding it strangely boring. It seems to borrow from so many sources (V For Vendetta, Equilibrium, Children Of Man, 1984, Brazil etc) and doesn't really appear to have it's own voice.

    The second half of The Last Kingdom was excellent (unfortunately AV Club couldn't be bothered to review). SS-GB was interesting but never really got going. What is also interesting is that Sense8 never made this list.

    You forgot the multiple stints that the Master found himself in the Tersuran sewers in The Curse of the Fatal Death

    That's my hope…

    Ad break? Not on BBC…

    Did anyone notice that a crying cyberman appears to be a repeating motif…

    Children's books/films

    The start really reminded me of Red Dwarf- I was expecting to see a spaceman painting the side of the ship…