I like most of Nine Lives. "Falling in Love…" is genuinely fun. "Hole in my Soul" is probably their last ballad I've enjoyed.
I like most of Nine Lives. "Falling in Love…" is genuinely fun. "Hole in my Soul" is probably their last ballad I've enjoyed.
What ever happened to Dorothy Jane? She's either become a legendary beauty or an overweight soccer mom. Those were her only choices.
What ever happened to Dorothy Jane? She's either become a legendary beauty or an overweight soccer mom. Those were her only choices.
Um, I think I'd personally enjoy that.
Um, I think I'd personally enjoy that.
I'm kind of surprised we haven't gotten that sitcom yet. Maybe 'The New Normal 2: Hot Lesbian Boogaloo.'
I'm kind of surprised we haven't gotten that sitcom yet. Maybe 'The New Normal 2: Hot Lesbian Boogaloo.'
You mean that show isn't replaying ad infinitum on some family friendly network currently?
You mean that show isn't replaying ad infinitum on some family friendly network currently?
It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiife….
It's the ciiiiiircle of liiiiife….
Wow, this news makes me feel old. At least, it's their "preteen" daughter and not their "hot high school senior daughter," I guess…
Wow, this news makes me feel old. At least, it's their "preteen" daughter and not their "hot high school senior daughter," I guess…
Do you understand why putting on blackface is offensive? It's the same basic principle when you put on your 'Native American' costume.
Do you understand why putting on blackface is offensive? It's the same basic principle when you put on your 'Native American' costume.
Luckily she ran into some friendly Children of the Maize.
Luckily she ran into some friendly Children of the Maize.
Mine was a wolverine. Our adamantium football uniforms made the team nigh unstoppable.