Bad Answer Guy

It's lucky that I live near the clinic. Where else could I get so much paper for all of my origami cranes?

The strips with the playful dotted-line path going from Thelma's spot on the bed to the abortion clinic got kind of repetitive after a while.

The strips with the playful dotted-line path going from Thelma's spot on the bed to the abortion clinic got kind of repetitive after a while.

It might just be my potent idiocy, but I've never heard the term "abortion papers" before. Is that an actual thing that exists?

It might just be my potent idiocy, but I've never heard the term "abortion papers" before. Is that an actual thing that exists?

When it comes to killin' babies, it don't matter if it's black and white…

When it comes to killin' babies, it don't matter if it's black and white…

Thirty-five isn't so old. You could live… what… five more? Is that too generous?

Thirty-five isn't so old. You could live… what… five more? Is that too generous?

You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth abortionist!

You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth abortionist!

Don't stop believing, cruelcumber…

Don't stop believing, cruelcumber…

Because internet has nearly killed the publishing industry, my local abortion paper is only available online now. How I miss curling up with the Sunday abortion comics and checking out the NY Times Abortion Crossword…

Because internet has nearly killed the publishing industry, my local abortion paper is only available online now. How I miss curling up with the Sunday abortion comics and checking out the NY Times Abortion Crossword…

In Old Country, there is no chicken. There is only wine.

In Old Country, there is no chicken. There is only wine.

But in their defense, the deficit was totally asking for it.

But in their defense, the deficit was totally asking for it.

*golf clap*