Bad Answer Guy

They'll have to wait a few years for Vivienne to whip her hair back and forth so she doesn't get Shaken Baby Syndrome.

She truly is history's greatest monster!

She truly is history's greatest monster!

I dunno. They make pretty good projectiles in a pinch…

I dunno. They make pretty good projectiles in a pinch…

Since Angelina has about 30 children, I expect the odds are good that one of them will write a scathing "Mommy Dearest" style tell-all one day.

Since Angelina has about 30 children, I expect the odds are good that one of them will write a scathing "Mommy Dearest" style tell-all one day.

His character, Ludo, is probably as obnoxious as his friends, but Dujardin does make him seem like fun.

His character, Ludo, is probably as obnoxious as his friends, but Dujardin does make him seem like fun.

Le big twist: Si je me souviens bien, c'est soit que le personnage de Marion est enceinte ou que le personnage de Jean meurt.

Le big twist: Si je me souviens bien, c'est soit que le personnage de Marion est enceinte ou que le personnage de Jean meurt.



When I was wedding cake shopping, the fondant cakes were about twice as expensive as the buttercream iced cakes, even when the designs on the fondant cakes were relatively simple. That helped make my decision for me. To learn that fondant tastes like ass feels like justice.

When I was wedding cake shopping, the fondant cakes were about twice as expensive as the buttercream iced cakes, even when the designs on the fondant cakes were relatively simple. That helped make my decision for me. To learn that fondant tastes like ass feels like justice.

I didn't think you could be raptured forcibly. Doesn't the body take certain precautions against that, or is that only in cases of legitimate rapture?

I didn't think you could be raptured forcibly. Doesn't the body take certain precautions against that, or is that only in cases of legitimate rapture?

Tarantino: Yes, very good! I like that! Are they sturdy though? Could they hold a prostitute's urine without leaking?
*snorts cocaine*

Tarantino: Yes, very good! I like that! Are they sturdy though? Could they hold a prostitute's urine without leaking?
*snorts cocaine*

I used to wear two different colored socks as a fashion statement when I was growing up in the late 90's/early 00's. I think kids do it because it's one of the laziest ways to be "rebellious." =)