Bad Answer Guy

"I once was Lawrence of Arabia/
Now I'm taggin' yo bitch in the labia!

"I once was Lawrence of Arabia/
Now I'm taggin' yo bitch in the labia!

I thought getting to see Brad Pitt's ass was the highlight, personally.

I thought getting to see Brad Pitt's ass was the highlight, personally.

Pfft. Whatever. Actors can never stay away from the limelight for long. He'll probably pull a Joaquin and record a rap album and then saunter back to acting after that fails. So typical.

Pfft. Whatever. Actors can never stay away from the limelight for long. He'll probably pull a Joaquin and record a rap album and then saunter back to acting after that fails. So typical.

Rihanna's fortune gives her various ways out. She could afford the finest tutors and tuition to the most prestigious universities. She's less of a slave than me and everyone I know who are working shitty, often humiliating jobs because we can't afford to relocate or go back to school right now.

Rihanna's fortune gives her various ways out. She could afford the finest tutors and tuition to the most prestigious universities. She's less of a slave than me and everyone I know who are working shitty, often humiliating jobs because we can't afford to relocate or go back to school right now.

@captain dada, I'd let you beat me any day… with your wits!

@captain dada, I'd let you beat me any day… with your wits!

2 Lovely 2 Bones

2 Lovely 2 Bones

ermagod, herbits! My favrit!

ermagod, herbits! My favrit!

At certain times of the year, the office building where I work is crawling with scorpions. I think I spend about two weeks a year with my legs tucked under me and my office chair adjusted as high as it will go.

That and the forcible sodomy.

You know what they say about Big Bois…

You know what they say about Big Bois…

A ball-point banana!

A ball-point banana!