Bad Answer Guy

The Frontier - 6 episodes
Do No Harm - 12 episodes
Midnight Sun - 6 seasons and a movie

Bonus points if one of the aforementioned Nazis is dressed like a clown.

Throatwarbler Mangrove


She kind of sounded like a honking goose on hormone therapy.

One day the piles of dead bodies buried in Beiber's basement will be unearthed, and you'll regret underestimating him!

I would melt into a pile of goo. Lady goo.

In a Shymalanian double-fake-out twist ending, it turns out that the fumes that Snooki lets off are what is causing everyone to commit suicide.

*trips unicyclistperiscopes*

Who doesn't like Glee? It literally means "glee"!

Add some naked boobies and weed, and we've got ourselves a blockbuster!

And Andy Warhol was raped by Kim Novak who was raped by The Artist. It's Six Degrees of "Kevin" Rapin'.

You're in luck because in this All-Star season, Heidi has been replaced by some other model. Unfortunately, Tim Gunn is also absent.

Her little cup is brimming with Faygo soda!

Me gusta!

I find Allegra too filling for lunch. I also prefer theĀ rich, meaty flavorĀ of Clariton D.

Bad Rowboat Cop!

C'est une travestie!

Pretty Cake Machine.

"What is, the reason Robert Downey Jr.'s face has aged well beyond its years?"