Bad Answer Guy

I didn't know there was such a thing as chocolate wine. It should be sold in tandem with Midol.

Massive script rewrites:

Watch out for the icy patch!

I really needed a good laugh this morning. Thanks, Evel!

Gravity is a bitch.

Holy shit, HipsterDBag! I'm glad my boss wasn't around to hear me laughing at your comment. That would be tough to explain. :-D

Von percent, two percent, three percent… ah-ah-ah!

Damn Amphibians! Coming to this country and spawning thousands of anchor tadpoles in our swamps!

Hah! I loved Bert is Evil. The early days of the eenternet.

"Rubber dildo, you're the one. You make buttsex so much fun!"

I thought that episode was a dream sequence. What about all the other times in the series when Nanny showed off her vast collection of Nazi memorabilia?

"This just in: Noted Liberal Entertainment blogger Sean O'Neal is apparently dead for the second time. Cause of death is not yet known, but we at Fox surmise that he probably choked to death on President Hussein Obama's testes."

To be honest, I thought The Muppets did have a pretty marked liberal slant. That whole subplot with Professor Honeydew and Beaker giving Miss Piggy a late term abortion comes to mind.

Just twenty?

It's cold enough to freeze your Winnebago!

"You are the worst!"

Foreplay consisted of witty banter. The main event was crawling into their separate, but equal, beds.

The Ice Truck Killer was pretty foxy, so I could forgive Deb for that. (They make it known that he's only dating her to get to Dexter).

I think I love you, explodingbarrel. Will you come an' live with me in my sod hovel? I ain't got indoor plumbing, but my outhouse is nice an' cozy if you know what I mean…

I'd have to drive over 8 hours to get to the closest city showing it.