Bad Answer Guy

I was hoping for a "Caribbean Amphibian" cover (but that song might have been from Sesame Street instead of Muppet Show).

I like this idea! She'll break into his Youtube account and start giving thumbs ups to Justin Bieber videos.

I approve of this gimmick poster. I will be subscribing to his newsletter.

Sargent Doakes
I miss his MOTHAFUCKER-ing.

Alvin and the Chipmunks

Rango was a bizarre little film, but the animation was gorgeous. I could see it getting nominated.

I preferred Fear and Loathing in Diagon Alley.

Add different hues of food coloring to each jar and arrange them in a decorative display.

Stillborn, your racial stereotypes really bring out the worcestershire in this thread.


The Footloose Chainsaw Massacre.

Harrison Ford, in character, tweeted "I ALREADY DRUNK-DRIVE AROUND THE CLOCK!"

The Sklar's web series Back on Topps is funny and more or less about sports. Probably works best in 10 minute chunks though.

But the contact high from Weeds might be worth the Showtime subscription.

I'm a bit afraid to fathom what Hoarders Porn would be. People having sex in giant piles of trash, or people trying to fit as many worthless knicknacks and pieces of trash into their respective orifaces are my best guesses.

Doubt it will happen
but I'd love to see her clean up. Back to Black was a fantastic record. She had to talent to burn, and she's burning it.

Who's Lurking in that Dark Crevice?

I wish the writers on this show were more creative. Given the premise, it's sad how formulaic Dexter has become.

It was shamefully real. There was a whole slew of "creepy simulated birth" toys back in the early 90's. I had a baby doll that came with a fake pregnant belly that I could wear. The belly had a button that you pushed to hear a heartbeat.

Girl toy nostalgia movies
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the Puppy Surprise! movie.