
I used to follow this show by podcast daily, but I've left in it favor of Tony's ESPN Radio podcast. It's longer form and less sports-centric and Tony is generally more self-deprecating and honest. If you like PTI at all, I'd recommend it highly.

Gyllenhaal is a troll.

John Mark McMillan is the making honest, amazing music that I think even non-Christians can love.

I know you hate floppies… but I would recommend Batman over JL all day long.

*cue standard "Robuttnik is a GUY?!?!?!" comment*

Greg Capullo. He is doing an amazing job with the Bat.

I like Batman and Robin as well, but the chasm between it and Batman is large. But the it's an Everest like drop off to DC and Dark Knight.

I just jumped back into comics for the first time in over a decade with the DC relaunch… And Swamp Thing and Batman are two of the reasons I will be back for a long time. The stuff he's doing on these titles right now is so engrossing. I can't wait for the #3 issues.

He is cold and calculating to a scary degree in that movie. Good showing from him and Foxx. And Mann sure can make a pretty movie.

Four Brothers is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.

I wore out my VHS copy of Out of Sight. Lopez is great in it. I LOVE Micheal Keaton's small part. The stuff between Dennis Farina and him has me laughing every time. Steve Zahn is great. James Brooks is great.  Crap… Now I need to go buy that one on DVD or maybe iTunes. What a great movie.

Beef cheek. De-licious. I like pigs feet, also.

I went in to DKSA after it had been totally dismantled by everyone… and I liked it a lot! There were some great moments and funny moments. I get what Miller was going for. Certainly pales in comparison to DKR, but so do a lot of Batman stories. There are some panels and pages that are absolutely dreadful and I don't

Will Franken on WTF struck my as wholly insincere. He was so eager to tell Maron how he was just seeing right through him that I felt like he would have signed off on almost anything Mark would have told him. It really bothered me.

Ass comic is right.

This just makes me wonder how they could have blown this so bad. When was the last time Perez wrote anything? First they let Detective Comics go 90's gritty/shock on us and then this looked like some random Supes story from the 80's. Those were my biggest let downs.

I was so excited for Superman… and bleh. What a boring book. I am so bummed. Won't be back. But sticking with Action is enough Supes for me.

You know that guy that looks a lot like Ryan Gosling, but not quite as sizzling? That's me.

*starts a slow clap for Miller*

Thank you for giving me permission to buy you an expensive meal, but I could have guess you would have accepted that with or without the Goz. He makes the deal. I like that album, also.