
I'm interested to hear it's prevalent in the books as well because the constant stream of female nudity in GoT, whilst visually appealing to me, is the main aspect of the show I dislike. Nearly every female character on the show has disrobed at some point and even though I don't particularly want to see a bunch of

Have you seen This is England? Both the film and the TV series? He's in both, though moreso in the TV series, and is phenomenal again. He's rapidly become a favourite of mine and one whose career I'll follow with interest.

I think Rudy far surpasses Nathan. Joe Gilgun has been phenomenal since coming onto the show and really helped elevate it during the rough fourth season. I think this season has been pretty much flawless and the entire cast has been good, but Gilgun's Rudy is the standout character from the series as a whole, at this

Wayne Kramer doesn't do the music anymore. That's what happened. I don't dislike the songs used now but they're not as inspired as Kramer's choices were, for sure.

That's a problem consistent with most of the Gervais/Merchant shows, even back as far as The Office. Some of the awkward situations they wish to contrive rely too heavily on people behaving completely unrealistically by humouring horrible people (Slate's character) on one hand and then becoming incredibly upset by


The problem is that the show used to have more ideas crammed into it. With the current rushed schedule they adhere to, the writing (and satire) quite often seems barely thought-through and vague. Okay, people are up in arms about their privacy being taken away whilst simultaneously giving away their privacy over

Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood but this episode did nothing for me. I figured out the joke about 10 seconds in and it never really went beyond that joke. The Baldwin stuff was vaguely funny but incredibly lazy and I didn't get on with the Butters plot at all. It just seemed like a hodge-podge of ideas and I

I don't know that it's fashionable, it's just that the show, with age, is growing ever more inconsistent. I adore Matt & Trey and love the show generally but I didn't get a single laugh out of this episode until the out-of-nowhere church molestation jokes right at the end. It actually made me sad how little I enjoyed

Because that's the last thing they'd expect!

The problem isn't necessarily with the portrayal (although I personally find it ludicrous) but the source. Gervais acts affronted when "cynics" say his character is disabled or made to mock the disabled. He's conveniently forgotten that the character WAS originally made to mock the disabled, both in stand-up and on a

Maybe his next project could be him recreating the Budd Dwyer video on the Red Carpet at The Oscars? I'd watch that.

The "highlight" of this televisual excretion comes in the form of montages, set to songs like Radiohead's Bones where the actions on-screen match the lyrics exactly. It's the kind of super-liminal unsubtlety that would have the writing crew of Dexter in awe.