Faulkners daughter

I saw this movie!

Seriously. Must see this movie.


Man, gotta admit I haven't seen Stalker yet. Based on all the love out here, I definitely have to check it out.

So… I was in my freshman year of college as a Lit major and I had never experienced foreign film before, at least outside the pre-approved Hollywood repurposing (Life is Beautiful, for example). My favorite movie to that point was "Fight Club" (which I still love, but come on, different scale). I had studied, engaged

Umm. Thanks rocklobsters? That was an unnecessarily rude, bitter and pointless comment. So, job well done.

Not to be a pretentious twat
But Tarkovsky changed the way I saw film. At an impressionable age I was shown "Nostalghia" and it well … changed the way I saw film. It's my all-time favorite movie, although 90% of the people I've shown it to fall asleep before anyone catches on fire.

Yeah, I guess I understand the economics of it. I suppose I'm just more amazed that his movies make enough money to pay for it all. Who sees these? Besides the hordes of Woody Allen apologists who seem to outnumber his haters, even here…

Well, when a movie ABOUT sex and sensuality is so poorly written and directed that it doesn't convey even a hint of the sensuality it purports to be about — which was personified by this critics lack of a tumescent member* — that film can be considered a failure. Being that it did not deliver on it's premise.


I'm not done.

Is this going to be
like Vicky Cristina Barcelona where an insufferable fucking voice over describes EVERY FUCKING ACTION AND THOUGHT going through every characters head.

I'm actually with Snake on this one. It just didn't have enough general mayhem bad-assery. My favorite part was always the assault on the Village-base-thing, then it dragged for me.

"Which is a situation I will take care of as soon as… well, as soon as the three of us have any free time."

Wow. Thanks for the profound comment. You've changed my life. Care to elaborate so I get the full breadth of your knowledge?

The National
Holy fucking shit. Where to start?

Carleton also won the college ultimate frisbee championship. That's a real thing. They beat my alma mater (CU) in the finals (a school of 45,000).

ha. i get it. they almost died.

Everyone has got to got to got to check out the new album by The Antlers, "Hospice." It's very quiet and moving, but laden with more emotional content and beauty than I can usually handle on a daily basis.

Give the National another chance. It takes a while, but wholly shit that's just about the best rock-based music being made these days. While Alligator is great, and considerably more accessible, Boxer is their masterpiece. It redefined slow-burn as a musical descriptor.