maxxx triphinity jr

You all know I'm trolling right? I love Bobs Burgers. It's my favourite show. I was only joking. Jesus Christ. The bullying on THE AV CLUB gives me the shakes.

This was an A! Practically every episode of Archer is and Todd is way to strict on the episode. To be honest Sterling isn't even the most interesting characters on this show by a long shot. Pam, Lana, Cherrl, Ray, Dr Kregger, Mallory all better characters.

……something like that!

Am I the only straight guy who watches this?


A (take what you want from that)

Yet another episode that is heaps better then the reviewer makes it out to be. Family Guy and Adventure Time (WOW never thought I'd put those two together) are two shows that recently I've come to realise are being way to over evaluated and not being reviewed properly. It's a comedy that is so ridiculous that it's

Jonah Hill. That is all.

This was an A- for me. I think we need to move on from any pervious season ad focus on only this one. This reviewer only ever talks about how it doesn't have the originality or the comedy or the whatever that the first 12 seasons had, and I say we need to pretend that it never existed and this is the show.


No man, you opinionated.

I said if it's a word.

Best episode since Simon and Marcy!

I thought this was an A! B+?!?!!?!?!?! It was fantastic and so well written!

This is the boringinest (if that's a word) and most pointlessly disturbing tv show I've seen since….Hostages, except this still has that campy grip that makes you want to keep coming back to see how they f*** it up next. Hostages on the other hand……another time and place to describe my hatred for the show!!

Where is MMLP2?????

I found Wolf Of Wall Street an awkward and slightly unpleasant experience. The non stop swearing, sex scenes (orgies anyone?), and heavy duty drug use really got to much by he end. It is a highly memorable movie, but for all the wrong reasons. I know most people wont agree but you never know.
American Hustle was much

Exactly! She is usually a good reviewer but when it comes to those kind of things, she is always wrong!

Best season finale Eva just sayin.

Best season finale Eva just sayin.