
A nasty little bitch for making Shylock lose all his money and have to be converted against his will to Christianity after Antonio's life was already saved.

"Speaking of 'touched your daughter' Jeffrey Jones shows up in this movie" damn near killed me.

Completely agree, pretty much no effort given by any of the participants and the whole thing felt like they were constantly congratulating each other for awful unfunny bits.

Davison is my favourite as well, there's such a fundamental sense of decency buried beneath him that I don't think any other Doctor showed as well. He's also the most mature Doctor I think, it's weird because he plays him so sensible and grounded, so far removed from pretty much any other actor who played the part.

I though there's no way the movie could be as gay-panicky as they were saying, then they played that gratingly awful clip and man oh man I started believing.

Nice catch Blanco Nino, but too bad your ass got saaaaaaaaaaaacked.

Who wants a body massage?

Fuck you Chris!

Fuck you Chris!

Yeaah, they brand you a star….

It does eventually play a big part in the series' most emotional hour though.

I guess I'm the only one wanting The Middleman, it'd be nice to give a lesser known show some love.

I'm still haunted by this one composite sketch I saw on America's Most Wanted as a kid. It was about a guy who killed a man with a blade on a wooden stick and he had these crazy huge eyes. That was another show where the reenactments could get really scary.

He says "Of course, who else?", could definitely be River.

"Hey kids, Want to drive through that cactus patch?"
"Well, two against one"

George acts the worst of the four but we can forgive him because life perpetually is shitting all over him, just think of having to grow up with Frank and Estelle as your parents!

Gerry killed DJ Roomba!

Yeah this one really hit me deeply. When I was younger I did some of the stalker-ish things May does without realizing how weird and creepy it was. I think that is why I find her such a sad and sympathetic character.