
Dibs on Toofer
Television Character Suicide Pool!

With great talent comes great responsibility
"Vanity is really what it is. I feel really grateful that I am in comedy, and I love doing it, and I feel like, "Why would I need to apologize?"" The complaints aren't about choosing comedy over drama. The complaints are about choosing bad comedy over good comedy.

What Fats Pinto said - dilettante does not equal jack-of-all-trades.

Wow, that's awesome, TomWaits for Snowman. Wish I could say I'm a brilliant baiter. Do I have to call myself an "insufferable faux intellectual" now? Sounds like I should check out The Squid And The Whale, but I really think I have more "essential" films on my plate first… :/

Nice Article
I very much enjoyed how the second half was more about Leonard Pierce than his huge box of Destroyer novels.

Did you know there is a NEW Iranian cinema? Seriously, I don't think there's anything I could constructively add to these comments except for pasting some Wikipedia articles.

If I were to watch just one Central Asian art house film this year, this would be it.

Fair enough, starting with The Squid And The Whale / actor reference before the Superbad / director reference was a good way for Mr Rabin to throw me out of my "this movie is like Superbad" preview mindset.

Robert Patrick as a jerkish cop
Is there a Terminator 2 reference? Cuz I'll see this if there is a Terminator 2 reference. That movie was awesome, and I enjoy being reminded of its existence.

How much of this movie will I watch?
See it in the theater? no.
Netflix? no.
YouTube clips of John Goodman's scene? maybe.

I'm with you; the review for this movie didn't say "I should go see this Iranian art house movie," it said, "Maybe I should put The Bicycle Thief close to the top of my Netflix queue.

Two Quality Immigrant Stories in As Many Weeks
But can Goodbye Solo or Sugar dethrone reigning champion Stroszek?

I get confused easily?
The first sentence is somewhat confusing since I haven't yet seen The Squid And The Whale. It took me a minute to realize that "a deep thinker in a superficial '80s world where artsy pretensions don't survive a long, boozy, pot-scented season in purgatory working at a second-rate amusement

I didn't expect to read things like "Graduate-like" in this review. From the previews, I would have guessed "Garden State-like" or "second-rate-Superbad."

Hogarth's Father
I was pleased with how they handled Hogarth's father in this. You see a photo of him in Hogarth's bedroom, and that's it. And the way Hogarth says, "It's okay to die, it's not okay to kill" gives you an idea that the kid has been through something, but you don't know what. Pretty awesome.

Didn't disappoint.
If only one of the Tasters had said something along the lines of "These taste different… familiar… but not like something I've had for dessert."

The girl in Ikiru is the most winning MPDG, because she gets creeped out by the depressed protagonist.

Netflix vs Facets
I wonder if I can get the fees to work out so that it's cheapest for me to use both.

I also need to know this. Netflix tells me that I would enjoy Ichi the Killer. From Felix's comment, it sounds like I shouldn't be proud of this.