
Having worked for a university…
I am use to the idea of having to "prostitute" oneself for that donor money. I feel like the writers of this episode heard that phrase and just ran with it. Also, a nitpick about this episode, physics research is almost exclusively paid for by federal and corporate grants, not from

Thank God…
…for John Larroquette as Roan Montgomery. He made this episode watchable. Montgomery is my favorite recurring character. Just enough smarm to be a lot of fun.

Chuck and Sarah make one of the worst TV couples I have ever seen. Every time I've seen the Chuck-Sarah as a couple parts of Chuck (basically since the start of the third season) I feel like it is something that the writers put in because it is what the fans want. All of the "being a couple" scenes feel, for lack of

I was hoping for Bakula too. But I knew as soon as the cabin was first shown that it would be Chuck in it.

Not that I want Alison Brie to leave the show mind you.

Did info dump tell us things about Annie we already know? I don't think we knew about her not talking to her parents. I didn't mind her just telling us all of that information. I don't know how it could have been explained to the audience better then it was. The thing I want to know, that hasn't been explained

This was a good episode for Chang. I liked his character in this episode and last weeks episode. A big improvement over the Chang we got in the first half of this season.

That plot was a bit creepy. I do want to see this Brita babysitting plot now. I feel like that Brita babysitting could go badly in an hilarious way.

explain this to me
Can someone explain how the Chuck/Sarah relationship actually works? I am just not buying it. Why does Sarah put up with Chuck's super neediness? What does she see in him? In the show's universe it use to be that she saw Chuck as the good, honest person. But I don't see Chuck as that anymore,

Surprise, Surprise…I disagree with Todd
I rather liked this episode. I enjoyed it almost as much as tonight's Community. I enjoyed the scenes with the group in the cars. I don't know why, but the idea of Penny being banished to the other car and that car turns out to be worse resonates with me. And I loved the

I thought this was one of the better episodes of this season. I would have given it an A-. This episode did everything that I am looking for in a Community episode. It had several character moments, it used the characters in ways that made sense (especially Peirce and Chang, who I felt were misused in the first

I actually agree with you on Lester. His bit was interesting.

An episode as a microcosm for the season
Everything I felt (or didn't) while watching this episode is the same way feel for this season. All of the elements are there for this to be fun: a plot that should be high stakes, character moments, the entire set of characters present, and some nice fight scenes. Yet it