
oh, was that supposed to be "meat"? I'm totally confused about what the joke is now.

"That word bums me out unless it's between meet and pizza"

it's under "other shows"

Maya killing Sylar is the only thing that can redeem her character for me. It would be awesome if she got badass enough to take out a bunch of innocent people just to kill him.

Micah is annoying. I used to like him, but now his talking to traffic lights schtick is driving me crazy. Hopefully the dead parents will make him bearable again.

I don't know if that's how her power/the virus works, but I was waiting for Jessica to pop in and save the day. but whatever, I'm perfectly happy to see all of that character dead.

I could see the Company's logic in keeping Adam alive since he has the cure anything blood. Plus those guys are arrogant enough to think he doesn't pose any real threat since his power's not active, he's not really dangerous in and of himself, only when there's someone around to manipulate. Of course, that makes

"And, as for those playing cards in the vault… two guesses, homme. "