Jimmy Iglesias

it’s not a documentary on a group of scientist and one of them happens to be afflicted with autism. It’s a silly board sitcom .. the show worked well tonight it was a bit of throwback to earlier seasons ,,, but there were dozens of jokes this episode, where sometimes they go a bit slow on the comedy …

I really liked Jim Parsons moment, where he explains that he so irritating to Leonard because problems feels like a mental itch, till they are solved. He even preferred it with some variation of you know I am different.

I love this show, the family even when they are annoyed. They still love each other so the humor has this sweetness to it that you dont really see on American television. it doesnt come form a cruel place and it is still hilarious …

I do find the show ludicrous but I do like Kevin bacon and shawn ashmore acting on the show ..

my fav part of the episode was how Kevin bacon and the wife kept telling Joe how stupid his writing and shallow obsession with Poe Was ..

End Dark psychological thriller the same was as "I still know what you did last summer" Classic.Poe. 

Not handcuffing a confessed cult member and letting her stab the department head - Classic Poe

Watching Kevin Bacon Porn- Classic Poe

I hate the concept of Talking Dead, Walking Dead does not need a sports center style show, its a drama  interpret it with your friends or on message boards .. I would be okay with the show if they use the ad money from it back in to the main series but they are always news about budget cuts and firings ..

The only casting news that made me mad was getting someone like Megan Fox as April O'Neil. I know TMTN is a ludicrous property, but April O'Neil is suppose to be this kind compassionate person.  I don't think Megan fox would feel compassion for her own children ..

Terrorist recruitment Website - Classic Poe 


she got that Courtney Love … that Crazy Shit ..

I loved when Louise thought she was Pam from True Blood with the sassy comment to the lead and Kevin Bacon was all like Fuck this shit and just shot her …

I liked the first three episodes a lot but the show jump the shark for me with this episode became too implausible

Dilla first professional placement is on The Pharcyde,second album Drop and Runnin
