Nick Ackerman

I just started The Pale King and am really enjoying it. I'm a big DFW fan (currently on my third read through of Infinite Jest, this time with my girlfriend). Anybody have any advice for me as I read in terms of what to pay attention to?

Hopped on to say exactly this. Got the episode off on the wrong foot for me, and it never did anything to regain it. And I've really liked this season so far.

Hopped on to say exactly this. Got the episode off on the wrong foot for me, and it never did anything to regain it. And I've really liked this season so far.




Surprised that nobody has mentioned that the the episode is a pretty clever spin on the old "scropion and the frog" fable. Killer Croc jumps on the Batman on that canyon (and screws over his new carny friends) because that's just his nature.