
Is YMIW legitimately any good or is whoever reviews it and puts every single episode in "Best" every week crazy? Bear in mind that while I find Pete Holmes and his story sort of interesting, every time I've heard him somewhere I've found him incredibly annoying.

no need to marquis of queensbury up in here, fellas; this dude fucking sucks, his opinions suck, and the snifter of brandy he's presumably holding while he jots off his latest missive to the lower classes sucks. feel free to combine one curse word with another curse word and then call him that compound curse word

They should have gotten Black Bart Simpson to do the rapping instead of White Bart Simpson

holy shit dude, chill out

Yeah, I listened to the most recent PFT episode as an introduction, thought it was great, listened to all the other PFT ones which were similarly great. Eventually it occurred to me that I was laughing at everything and therefore probably like the show in general so now I'm going to start listening to all the others

I used to read Word Up magazine

so…you watched it already? or are you just saying that by virtue of literally putting early 80s ACC basketball on a television screen a compelling documentary is made?

The "Improv3Humans" with Chris Gethard and Adam McCay is great, and pretty much any Tim Meadows episode will do you right.

I think Commodus gets bonus points for awfulness because he came after a run of really good emperors and just drove the metaphorical car into an elementary school; like he's so bad that Marcus Aurelius deserves to get dropped out of greatest emperor discussion just for letting Commodus succeed him.

Agreed, I think the Dalton Wilcox episode was probably Andy Daly's best, although maybe since it was only two weeks away from "Time Bobby" he wanted to space out an all-time favorites list a bit. But the Mayor of Hollywood one is pretty great, and from the commentary it seems like Aukerman's favorites are the ones

Agreed, I think the Dalton Wilcox episode was probably Andy Daly's best, although maybe since it was only two weeks away from "Time Bobby" he wanted to space out an all-time favorites list a bit. But the Mayor of Hollywood one is pretty great, and from the commentary it seems like Aukerman's favorites are the ones

another vote for Besser with improv4humans, since he seems like the type that would really get into discussing the sketches, which would be fun. And it's probably a bit early since there's only, like, 15 episodes so far, but Harmontown would be a good one too.

another vote for Besser with improv4humans, since he seems like the type that would really get into discussing the sketches, which would be fun. And it's probably a bit early since there's only, like, 15 episodes so far, but Harmontown would be a good one too.