I do not have any problem with Huss being cast as Khan, any more than I have with Pamela Aldon being cast as Bobby.
I do not have any problem with Huss being cast as Khan, any more than I have with Pamela Aldon being cast as Bobby.
Little-known fact*: the entire run of Kind of the Hill takes place over one school year.
"Soup is good food, Hank, but fer God's sake, keep yer spoon in yer own bowl!"
"So, uh, how do you think the Saints look this season?"
"Oh, I assure you I am much better acquainted with sinners than with saints."
Any episode with Buck Strickland is gold, and Genevieve should have included one — actually, this one would have been perfect, since it figures heavily into Hank and Bobby's relationship.
@avclub-410525841bbf485b7c29db7db4da9b18:disqus , well it sounds like a quartet of middle-aged suburban central Texans need to figure out a way into Daniels's basement and retrieve that tape. I think a man who set the single-season rushing record at Arlen High could accomplish this.
You are right that Boystown and Streeterville are two separate areas. I did not, however, mention Streeterville.
You're too kind.
There's really nothing else like a game at Wrigley. Every other ball park I've been to suffers in comparison. I haven't been to Fenway, and I feel like it might be the only one that would feel anywhere near the same kind of "rightness" that Wrigley does.
One of the greatest delights in the entire series was when a version of him showed up in Australia. I think we've encountered him in flashbacks to earlier eras, too.
Malinger-Her always says Midway reminds her of an under-construction holding facility for people waiting to get deported that is already at twice its capacity.
My visiting-from-out-of-town friend, after seeing the Tribune Tower silhouette at sundown: "Holy shit! It looks like Batman should come swinging down from one of those gargoyles any minute now!"
EDIT: meant to post this in the food thread. I'm out of practice, after being on vacation for a few days.
Former Chicago resident here (ten years, now, since I left), and current "Chicago enthusiast." Also, I'm an urban planner, so Chicago basically makes me cum in my pants. Remember that when reading my suggestions.
That squishy sound whenever someone on the Simpsons touches an eyeball.
"High-elevation Hungarian flour" is the best specialty ingredient I've ever heard of!
Pringles are the absolute best potato chip to put on a sandwich.
Many sandwiches are this way. In fact, I don't know if I've ever made a sandwich myself that wouldn't have tasted better — even with the exact same ingredients added in the exact same amounts and sequence — simply by being prepared by someone else.
I much prefer Zingers to Twinkies, but Hostess's other cakes (esp. cup cakes and Ding Dongs) are tha bomb!