What if "Benson" is a double-patronymic? "Ben" means "son of" in Hebrew names, right? Bob is the Son of Son in Hebrew word order, or Son's Son in Germanic word order.
What if "Benson" is a double-patronymic? "Ben" means "son of" in Hebrew names, right? Bob is the Son of Son in Hebrew word order, or Son's Son in Germanic word order.
She's not finished burning all of Abe's stuff yet.
Megan was already half a bottle of wine down, and might still have been thinking about Mitchell's ass.
"Two more"? He's a man who can fly through the air!
@avclub-1d5f36370c7ddcd55c96c2fb6bd11ead:disqus , Whoa, whoa, whoa. You just left those rodent half-carcasses there? Now you take those home, throw them in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby, you’ve got a stew going.
Yes, and contrast this to the scene earlier in the season when Don shows up at a Creative meeting, and everyone shuts up and gets uncomfortable.
The drinks were flowing freely, so I have to assume it was the airport restaurant where the pilots like to hang out.
So Sally survives into the 1970s? Give us a SPOILER ALERT, man!
Yeah, Don was showing that magnanimity that he sometimes does, when there's also something in it for him (I'm thinking especially of the time he gave Pete enough money to capitalize the firm as a junior partner at a time when Pete was strapped).
He also wouldn't have greeted anyone, held the door for anyone, hailed a cab for anyone…
He was really good as both Superman and Clark Kent. There's a great scene in the first movie when Lois has her back turned, and he takes off his glasses, straightens up, gets a serious look on his face, and, in an almost completely different voice, says he has something he needs to tell her. He's just about to tell…
I have noticed a great inrush of new usernames in the last couple of months, and a lot of posts indicating some much younger commenters — so my guess is that there are quite a few people around here who are fairly new, don't understand some of the running gags, and have little understanding that the AV Club comments…
Moral A-B-Cs! Dilute! Dilute! OK! All-One!
I have tried and tried, but I can't get past the first few lines.
Joan tried to fire Harry's secretary, and that didn't stick, despite Joan's being a partner. Pete is getting more and more marginalized this season, and Cutler seems to have a mission for Bob with Chevy, so even if Pete tried to fire Bob, I get the sense that he would be effortlessly, even wordlessly, overruled by…
@avclub-dcc2ff10ec33aeb5da8ef76fadf60e28:disqus : Basically, Dubya needed more troops for the Iraq Debacle than originally thought, right at a time when the all-volunteer armed forces were facing dramatic shortfalls in recruitment numbers, once even American teenagers realized how stupid, short-sighted, and…
Before Dubya, there was Dan Quayle, who also was removed from the risk of combat in Vietnam because he was able to get into the National Guard (ground-based, I assume).
Yes, I did, and it makes me wonder why so many here have suggested that Bob should have realized that the moment when Pete was wearing that snappy little number was the wrong time to make a pass at him.
"the cat…is a totem of female self-sufficiency."
@avclub-4f18f486a356810b3ef8008243bcba7a:disqus , I would have loved to see the ad Peggy put up: