
I hear you. I got sick of it several months after it hit the airwaves. But those first few months, I was emotionally overwhelmed every time I heard it. Left a mark I guess…

On top of that, you didn't even bother to read the Patriot Act to see what was in it.

Arcade Fire, "Crown of Love"

I was a little too full
Could've lost a few pounds…

What explains the phenomenon of feeling like you are hearing an old favorite song for the first time when you play it for someone who hasn't heard it yet (your kids or whoever)? Any psychologists in the house?

You're right about REM. But I would love to buy that yellow cassette as a 12-year-old again and experience it for the first time. That was the one and only album that my parents overheard me playing in my room and asked about it because they were interested, drawn to it…

What do you mean exactly? I'm interested. Sounds like you were pretty isolated from other kids? Your parents weren't into music? How did you come across songs like "Smells Like Teen Spirit?" TV? Radio? Discover them years after the fact? (Apologies for all the questions.)

For some reason, "Soul to Squeeze" was a common "slow dance" song at Bar Mitzvahs and 7th grade dances. I love that song, but it gives me weird flashbacks to dancing with a girl a foot taller than me, with at least two feet between us…

Apparently it is if you're from New Jersey.

Great call. "With a Little Help From My Friends" (Beatles or Joe Cocker) up there for me as well.

Heard this on the radio the other day. It's really really good, actually. Just 30 seconds or so too long. And that whiny guitar part after the chorus could go. And the lyrics are stupid. But it's good. It will still be played in 100 years.

Tears in Heaven - Eric Clapton
I Will Always Love You - Whitney Houston
Everybody Hurts - R.E.M.
I Won't Back Down - Tom Petty
The Longest Time - Billy Joel

I miss my green 1998 iMac…

Adriano Celentano - Prisencolinensinainciusol


Thing about this song is that it sounds just as good to me now as it did the first time. Maybe better each time. That is a rare thing indeed, at least for me.

Too tired to take give such great question the thought it deserves… Here are a few that quickly come to mind…

dammit. didn't see this.

The Black Keys' "Ohio" fills me with joy and nostalgia for my home state.

Yes, but One Direction was never late to class, actively participated, and came to office hours on a regular basis. TV On The Radio had two unexcused absences and didn't format the final paper properly (it was supposed to be size 12, Times New Roman, not Courier New).