Why was she even wearing a bra? I mean I know its a TV sitcom so she has to be but the sheets up to her chin would have made more sense.
Why was she even wearing a bra? I mean I know its a TV sitcom so she has to be but the sheets up to her chin would have made more sense.
Not to mention the guy scored Taylor Swift right afterwards. I wonder how that has turned out. Does Taylor have a new album coming out yet about that breakup?
@Nathan Ford's Evil Twin - You may be right that Schmidt will take responsibility eventually but so what? These episodes were still unpleasant to watch. This is supposed to be a comedy and I expect to be entertained every episode not just maybe later down the road when they make things better.
Exactly. Trying to compare Breaking Bad with a half hour comedy centered around a manic pixie dream girl is just stupid.
Sympathy for douche nozzle cheater who then blames his friends for his own fuck ups? No. Schmidt had three choices. First, pick one and break up with the other. Two, man up and tell both women that he is confused and doesn't know what to do. Or three, try to date both women and then accept the inevitable consequences.…
Yeah, but what the hell have they done by turning the break out character from season 1 into the least likable thing about the show? I just want to fast forward any time schmidt is on screen.
I was minutes away from calling it quits on this show. The ending with Nick and Jess exchanging things that can break them apart saved it. That was 21 and a half minutes of crap.
Even if they manage to recover and Schmidt is redeemed the shine is stiff off this show for me. If it's funny I'll watch but I don't really care one way or the other any more.
I question your math. There are over 300 comments of which about 20 are Sherlock vs Elementary. Maybe 30 if you want to include the discussion of whether or not Elementary's treatment of Joan is misogynistic. If 100-150 is the old average than on this thread at least the traffic is up.
If anything is more subjective than beauty it is humor. But I just found this episode way to much in the "I Love Lucy" mold.
Who is Jane?
"On an unrelated note, why is it that most channels seem to have the attitude that "quirky" or "silly" is the sum total of their new identity?"
You are right. That flitted through my mind when I first saw it but I was willing to assume they were held up with putty or command strips or something. Would have been nice to see one of the other masks taken down for comparison. And now that you bring it up, why not just fling the nail out into the yard or drive it…
I never heard of these. Thanks for alerting us to their existence. I will check them out.
Personally (I'm American) I kind of like hearing a British character like Mycroft refer to America as "the colonies".
The Simpsons did it!
I don't have any problem with Leonard wanting to spend the unexpected free time with Penny. That seems pretty reasonable. And a normal friend who understands why a couple would want to spend alone time together shouldn't have a problem with it. If Sheldon had anything approaching a normal world view and was less…
"In light of who Mycroft is in S, surely there's more going on w/him in E than just restauranteuring."