no one

I've got to believe the audience will grow. Really. I have faith in the unwashed masses.

I went back to check them out. Here are some of them:

There was a laser scene? I must have missed that. I better go back and watch again. Hmm… better watch eight or nine times to make sure…

She didn't hook you when she wanted to have the tea party and was getting ignored, the Blind Side episode? Or the birthday party or girl scout badges episode?

I really enjoy the show but best on TV seems a stretch. Even if you just mean half hour comedies there is still New Girl, Big Bang and Archer. If Big Bang improves on season 6 it will go down as one of the best of the decade. Also, when does Archer start up again?

From the conference room board. I couldn't make out anything from when Marty or Jerry Springer was in front of it.

Have to agree on the kid actors. Everyone of them fights above his weight class.

Seeing Toks Olagundoye in her Jersey shore dress did nothing at all to hurt that episode.

Hey yeah. I forgot about that.Although I guess for Schmidt keeping her panties isn't really that surprising.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who likes to get naked when I am puzzlin'.

Something about this confuses me. Schmidt said Winston asked for the panties. Is the implication here that Schmidt gave them to him?

I'm sorry. I try to just appreciate the work the writers do around here. But that review was like reading the operating manual for a toaster. I don't know if it would be possible to make a show sound more boring.

Hard for me to understand how the show was hated so much it was dumped from coverage but then one of the worst episodes of the season was given a B+. The show had it's weak points when it launched but what show doesn't? By episode 3 the show had it's footing and was fun to watch the rest of the way through. Season 2

Man did you guys ever miss the boat on this show. i loved it the 1st time around and I just rewatched it to get ready for season 2 and loved it again. And this one is one of my top 3 favorite episodes.

Man did you guys ever miss the boat on this show. i loved it the 1st time around and I just rewatched it to get ready for season 2 and loved it again. And this one is one of my top 3 favorite episodes.

I just kept wondering if she was wearing those some underwear from Alien under that orange dress.

I once got 1st place in the kissing contest at my family reunion. But that was 20 years ago, haven't placed higher than 3rd since.

I'd take a monkey with a steady cam over Abrams. There is at least some chance the monkey will stumble into some logic. What Bay is to Boom, Abrams is to Looks Cool.

Agree. Also, are you alliance?